SUMMER-GIRL : "Fashionista et design addict... je suis une fille colorée d'attitude avec qui profiter tout l'été !!!"

Joshua tree's call

Joshua tree's call

If there's one place calling for me at the moment, it's Joshua tree, California. You know how signs start appearing sometimes in your life and you've got no rational explanation for it; well, I found myself right there, like caught in between two separate though touching lives where the gap seem to tell me to stop right there....looking for the answer to my Life. I long for peaceful places like this one, in between the Mojave Desert and the Colorado Desert, two different ecosystems which come together at one point. How could one meaningless material life join for a spiritual, meaningful one? Enjoy the view, it's just breathtaking!!!!

Comment faire le lien entre deux écosystèmes différents, entre une vie matérielle, dénuée de sens et une vie spirituelle qui prendrait toute sa dimension?!!! En ce moment, Joshua Tree m'appelle et les signes sont forts. Vais-je suivre l'appel du large et de l'immensité? La réponse très prochainement...

Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
Joshua tree's call
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Décor sublime...sérénité Absolue...que dire ??? Partir...!!!<br /> Bisous
Merci de ce com si chou❤️